It is never an easy decision to leave people off of rosters for meets or camps. If I could, I'd take everyone to camp who wants to go. However, there are only 14 seats in the vans. We may be able to take a few more, if Dalton is able to drive up at the beginning of camp, but that is not a certainty.
Before I post the list, a quick note. I was hiking for the last 11 days. During the time I had cell reception, I went through the texts of people that said they wanted to go, and made up the initial list. I had it on a piece of paper, which during the many packings and unpackings as we traveled, seems to have disappeared. I went back through the text messages and put the list back together, but I may have left some people off entirely who want and deserve to go.
As it stands, 18 people want to fill the 14 slots at camp. The 4 who are on the alternates list are there because either:
- Lack of running so far this summer, therefore camp would be an injury risk
- Wisdom teeth coming out 3 days prior
- Lack of getting back to me when I asked follow up questions.
If you texted me initially that you wanted to go, but don't see your name on the list, please get back to me ASAP so that I can make the appropriate changes.