Team's Weekly Activity

Saturday, December 28, 2013

After New Years Run

If anyone is interested, I can take a crew out to Rock River Road on January 2nd.

Here is a link to a Map of the route

If you don't think you can make the whole run, that's fine.  I can drop you off closer to the top of the road and you can have a shorter run.

If you want to go, shoot me a text.  I will be out of town from the 29th through the 1st.

We can leave from the high school at 10:00 am.  If you will bring me a few bucks each, I'll pack some food and you guys can have a picnic lunch on top of the hill when you are done.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Happy Holliday Training

Welcome to Christmas Break. Since we won't be seeing each other for 2 1/2 weeks, I thought I'd post some guidelines for your training during the break. You guys have been great this year....some of the best attitudes, most dedication, and all around fun to coach athletes I've had the pleasure of working with. Let's take it to the next level now.
Winter Break Running Guidelines

I've roughed out two schedules for when we return from break.  The goal is to get you to the first race of the season aerobically strong and moderately race fit.  We'll use the first couple of low key invitationals to gauge our fitness and set goals and training paces for the harder training and racing to come in late April and May.

Mid Distance Pre Season, 400-1600 Focus

And for you Miler/2 Miler types

Distance Pre Season

The total  mileage, as well as the volume and speed of repetitions, will vary based on ability level.  Sample weeks are geared for the top runners in each group.  You should all have a pretty good idea of what your mileage should be now, based on where you were at during the cross country season.