Team's Weekly Activity

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Off Season Base

 Hopefully you've seen the blank spreadsheet for winter mileage and are ready to start filling it up.  

After a LOT of thought about where the season went sideways for us, I've come to the conclusion that we went too hard, too early, with too little volume.  This left us aerobically weak when we needed to be strong.  It's my goal to get you guys to: 1) continue to develop as runners and 2) get ready for a good track season.

Please check the attached template for winter training.  Before you jump right in, let me summarize.

For the month of December

  • Build to your peak mileage of your previous peak +5mpw at the very least, try to reach that for the last week of December.  If you can comfortably do it for the last two weeks, even better.
  • Run ONLY 1 HARD WORKOUT PER WEEK.  This could be a tempo, or small dose of CV intervals.  Don't let the hard effort be the enemy of building your volume backup.
  • Build back up to a 90 minute long run.  You might need to start back at 60-70 min or you might be OK to jump back in at 90 right away, if you keep the pace relaxed
  • Run sprints once per week and strides one or two more times on top of that.  
  • Keep all of the running at a VERY comfortable level.
For the month of January and February
  • The emphasis remains on keeping the volume high
  • We'll bring in a second "workout" per week
  • Workouts will be kept UNDER CONTROL.  No more racing in races that aren't races!
  • We'll try to hit 2 x 3 week blocks of peak volume.  The intensity will need to be kept very reasonable in order to do this 
First race is at the end of February.  I would hope that you come into that race a little better than you were at our 6 minute test last August

Monday, November 15, 2021

End of the Year Award Ceremony

 Dear Cross Country Parents

It has been my privilage and honor to coach your kids this year.  I'd like to celebrate our accomplishments this season with our year end awards night at HHS.  This year, things continue to be different than normal. Once again, we will not be able to meet with all of the other sports in the theater for our all sports awards.  Instead, each team will do their own thing.  

Our thing will be to meet under the covered picnic area at 6:00 PM on Thursday, November 18th.  I'd still like to do a potluck, so that we can enjoy some food as well as fellowship with each other one last time for the year.  Please see the list below for dish assignments

If your last name begins with:

A-G: Bring a main dish (enough for 6-8 people)

H-O: Side dish (pasta salad, green salad, etc...) (enough for 6-8 people)

P-R: Dessert (enough for 12-15 people)

S-Z: Drinks (enough for 12-15 people)

Dear Cross Country Athletes

I've had so much fun coaching you guys this year.  Your energy and enthusiasm is one of the things that makes me look forward to coming to work each day.  Good luck in your winter sports, if you're doing them.  If you're not doing a winter sport, enjoy some time off.  I intend to start more formalized training after Thanksgiving break.  

You must return your uniform, all 6 items, at the awards banquet.  Please do not make me come to your house to drop you for push-ups ;)

Coach B

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Sign Ups Needed, Playoff Snack Bar

 Hi Team.

I know a few of you have indicated that you will be able to help in the snack bar for the football playoff game on 11/12.  Please put your names down on the sign up genius list.  

Sign Up!