Team's Weekly Activity

Friday, May 29, 2020

Let's Run!!!!!

OK TEAM! We have permission to meet as a group again.

We'll be meeting M,W,Th @ 7:00 AM at the Dennis Wallace Memorial sign at the Hughson Sports and Fitness Complex.

Please view the attached video for instructions on how I expect that you will keep yourselves physically distant while training together as a TEAM!

Before we meet. I just want to say how PROUD I am of you guys!  Most of you have been grinding away at the very very early off season mileage.  Our girls team is putting up miles like very few other girls' teams that I've had, including our 2016 section champion team.  Keep up the great work.

I am so looking forward to seeing all of you wonderful people again and getting back to doing what we do best, representing Hughson!.

And if you think the pros are having an easy time with this, here's a quick video of Joey Berriuta of the Tinman Elite Team going through one of his training weeks without any of the big summer meets (olympic trials, olympics, European Circuit) anywhere on his horizon. 

Keep Grinding, Guys!

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Group Exercise Restrictions Lifted in Stanislaus County

OK team, great news, the County Health Comissioner has declared that we are safe to begin outdoor exercise in groups provided that we maintain appropriate distancing and that we don't share any equipment. 

Sounds like a cross country practice to me.

This week, I will be checking to see if we are permitted to use HUSD facilities to meet and start our runs.  If we are unable to use school property, we will meet at Fontana Ranch Park

I plan to host group runs next week on Tue, Wed, Fri.  That is the 12th, 13th, and 15th of May.  We will  be meeting at 8:00 AM.  The focus of our first few weeks will simply be putting in mileage.  For those of you who have been getting in decent mileage, we may do something a little bit harder, but I will mostly leave that up to you guys.

See you next Tuesday!!!!