Team's Weekly Activity

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Maggie Vessey Workout Part 2

OK, here is Flotrack's long awaited second part to Maggie Vessey's double day.  From what it sounds like, she does this type of workout 3 times per week (M, W, F) and does easy runs of 2-4 miles on the other days.  So, she is definately what we would call a low mileage runner, but as you can see from what she has done during the day (2 hours in the gym in the AM and umpteen drills and warm ups before the actuall "workout") that she puts a tremendous effort into her training

Physiologically, Vessey falls into a small group of runners that are what we would call "speed based" middle distance runners.  This means that she is more successful at the 400-800m combination rather than at the 800-1500m combination.

At Hughson, we get very few 400-800 specialists, but I believe that we have some people coming back for track next year that would actually fit the bill very well.  I believe that Kady may be one of those types as well as a few other kids who are not doing cross.

1 comment:

  1. Watched it, about to do so again. Liked what the coach said a lot...need to take notes. Very pertinent and timely re. Scarlett. To consolidate and enhance recent improvements (mental and physical), we're emphasising being PROGRESSIVE on everything (reps, tempos, intervals) and generating bucket-loads of lactic with tempos THEN doing fast, kick-finish-like 200s on the fatigued pins (legs). I also liked the speed work during base--we didn't do enough of that (despite following Daniels) in Phase One of DRF (we did do the reps during phase two--some of them on grassy hills).
