Team's Weekly Activity

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Welcome to the Program - Freshman Sign Ups

If you're reading this link, it's because your son/daughter signed up for our team at Roundup.

I'm always excited to to welcome new athletes to the cross country program.  I've been coaching the team for 25 years.  I've been doing it so long because I firmly believe that this sport is the BEST SPORT when it comes to teaching self reliance, determination, and healthy habits.  

Thing 1 - Athletic Clearance

You cannot practice until you have gotten an athletic physical and completed your athletic clearance paperwork through Home Campus.  If you do not yet have a physical, Click to this link on the HHS Athletics Page for our physical form and for contact info for chiropractors that can get you in quickly for a physical. 

This process needs to be complete and reviewed by the Athletic Director prior to the start of practice on August 5th.  Do not upload your physical at 6:45 AM on Monday and expect Mr. Futch to review it by 7:00.  Get on it NOW!

Thing 2 - Practice

New athletes, who have their physicals uploaded and reviewed on Home Campus will practice at 3:30 PM on Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri (8/6-8/9).

Thing 3 - 7th Period Sports PE

Once school begins, we will practice daily, beginning during sports PE, 7th period.  Athletes who are accepted onto the cross country team will have their schedules switched so that they are in my 7th period class.  We will meet in my classroom daily for instructions and announcements before heading out to the track.  

Athletes will only be moved into my sports PE class once they have been cleared to participate and attended 3 consecutive practices.  

Thing 4 - Please respond to my text message

If you're reading this post, it's because you got a text from me.  If your child is still interested in cross country, please respond to this text with the following info

Your Child's Name (Last, First)
Your Name (Last, First)

My athletes were supposed to write down your contact info on the sign up sheets using neat penmanship.  What I got is a list that looks like it was filled out by kindergarteners 😲.  You're lucky I could even read your phone numbers to send you the text in the first place.  

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