Team's Weekly Activity

Monday, July 1, 2024

Final Camp Roster

 Here it is!  The final camp travel roster

This was a hard choice this year.  If you didn't make the cut, it means you probably just aren't running enough right now. If your name moved up, or down the list from the last time, this is an indicator of how I feel you're doing this summer.  Take note!

Please read through the attached documents.

Pay special attention to the Camp Check List.  You will only be able to go once you have a YES by your name in all 3 boxes.  I must say that I AM DISAPPOINTED that so few of you took advantage of the two team physicals that were provided at the high school.  You will need to go seek out a physical on your own and get it uploaded to home campus before I let you get in the vans.  

Also, I'm going to have to raise the price again to $150.00 AND require that everyone who goes to camp participates in our raffle ticket sale at the homecoming game.  Food and lodging have gotten more and more expensive.  Please pay in CASH, as I use that cash to pay for groceries, fuel, etc..... while we are on the trip.  Whatever cash is left over will be deposited in the team account.  

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