Team's Weekly Activity

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Covid 19 Positive Test

As you know, one of our athletes tested positive for Covid 19.  I'm sorry it took me a while to get this formally posted, but please read the following and watch the following video for instructions for how we should proceed moving forward.  Some of these protocols were already in place.

 Please watch this video

  1. All athletes will have their temperature taken at the beginning of practice.
  2. All athlets will show up to practice wearing masks and remain masked up for the time that we are grouped in our meeting area.
  3. All athletes are expected to exhibit personal responsibilty and care for their teammates by maintaining an appropriate distance (some of you have had an extremely difficult time refraining from trying to give eachother wedgies or hugs.  Knock that crap off). 
  4. Once we are out on the roads, you can run in small groups of equal ability, but should maintain a side by side formation
  5. *New*.  When athletes return from runs, they are expected to put their masks back on and keep them on until they are able to once again establish an appropriate physical distance when they leave practice.  (please do not just mask up to keep me happy then get all up in each others personal space as soon as practice ends). 
So, what happens when another one of our athletes tests positive?

  1. That athlete should inform me as soon as s/he has test results.  
  2. I will contact every athlete that had been in contact with that athlete.
  3. I will advise everyone who has been in contact with that athlete to get a Covid Test
  4. Athletes should pay attention to whether or not they are feeling any symptoms.  Athletes with symptoms should not come to practice. 
Let me finish by saying that I think that we can SAFELY continue to progress as athletes in Cross Countrty, but only if all of you play by the same rule book. 

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