Team's Weekly Activity

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Big Mileage and Hot Weather Coming Up!

OK guys. Summer break is coming to an end and we are coming up on some pretty high temps here in the good ol' valley.  I would like these next two weeks to be your biggest mileage weeks of the summer. Most of you have been training extremely well. This is the time to finish up your summer base period the right way and get some big miles in. The best way to beat the heat AND get in good mileage is to get up early and get your runs in early.  If  you are done before 8 AM, you shouldn't have to make any adjustments for the heat at all.

Other Tips to Keep in Mind:

  1. Sweat cools you off by evaporating.  Wear clothing that air can easily flow through to speed up evaporative cooling.
  2. Light colors reflect heat, dark colors absorb heat.  Wear light colored clothing.  Believe it or not, guys, loose fitting, light colored, breathable clothes keep you cooler than letting the sun beat on your bare skin.
  3. Drink lots of water throughout the day, not just before and after excercise.  
  4. We usually have a very low relative humidity here in the summer.  This is a good thing because it allows sweat to evaporate quickly.  As long as you follow the steps above and slowly acclimate yourself to the heat, you should be fine when practice starts in August.

Here are a couple of sample schedules for the upcoming two weeks

Advanced Group (40-65 miles per week)
M: AM: 6-8 miles easy - steady.  Team game
      PM: 3-4 miles very easy
T: AM: 6-8 miles easy- steady. Team core
    PM: 3-4 miles very easy (or off)
W: AM: 4-6 easy
Th: AM 5-8 miles fartlek. Team Game
       PM 3-4 miles very easy
F: Easy 4-6 miles
S: 7-12 miles easy-steady
S: Off or up to 5 miles easy.

Intermediate Group (22-40 miles per week)

M: AM: 4-5 miles easy - steady.  Team game
      PM: 2-3 miles very easy
T: AM: 4-5 miles easy- steady. Team core
W:  Off or up to 5 miles
Th: AM 4-6 miles fartlek. Team Game
       PM 2-3 miles very easy
F: Easy 3-4 miles
S: 3-7 miles easy-steady
S: Off or up to 5 miles easy.

Beginner Group (Up to 22 miles per week)
M: AM: 2-4 miles easy - steady.  Team game
T: AM: 2-3 miles easy- steady. Team core
W: PM: 2-4 easy
Th: AM 2-5 miles fartlek. Team Game
F: Off or up to 3 easy
S: PM:2-3 easy
S: Off or up to 3 miles easy.

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