- Get your physicals taken care of! You cannot practice with the team until you have your physical complete and the paperwork from the office complete.
- Continue running. We have 2 weeks, actually 16 days from the end of camp to the start of practice. If you sit on your butt during that time, you will lose much of what you have gained during the summer.
- This should be your highest volume reached for the entire summer, or even the season. If you are doing the program right, you may touch this mileage once or twice during the season, but you won't sustain anything at that level.
For the next two weeks, your mileage should look like this
- 50-65 mpw: Austin, Daniel
- 45-55 mpw: Tristan, Michael, Jared, Wyatt
- 40-50 mpw: Maddy, Dalton, Garrett, Jesus, Corbin, Jackson
- 25-35 mpw: Mason, Nick, Timmy, Mark B, Mark H, Greg
- 15-25 mpw: Gaby, Priscilla, Heavyn
If you follow through with this, your summer will have peaked with your 3 biggest weeks ever. We will then take a cut back week where mileage decreases to about 65-70% of the previous 3 weeks. You guys will need it. You'll be adjusting to afternoon training and getting back into the swing of school.
I plan to post an outline of the training schedule for our top group of athletes. Most of you will follow this general format, but do less volume and less intensity. I should have this up in a couple of days.
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