Team's Weekly Activity

Sunday, June 30, 2013

More Hot Weather Stuff

I know this might be kind of old hat, but watch these Hot Weather Running Tips to help get you through this summer training.

Also, I know it will be hot at 7:00 PM, but we are still going to practice at that time.  Because of the heat, we won't be able to run that much.  It is my plan to work on some of the other aspects of training over the next couple of days during this heat.  This means that you will need to RUN ON YOUR OWN IN THE MORNING on practice days so that you are able to log sufficient miles.

Tomorrow and Tuesday, we will be in the weight room and outside doing drills and mechanics.  We will take lots of water breaks and we will not run that much.  It is important for you to RUN ON YOUR OWN IN THE MORNING

You also need to get those week 5 miles in to me tonight.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Running in the Heat

I'm sitting at my computer right now.  Outside, it is 3:02 PM and 107 degrees Fahrenheit.  I hope none of you decide to go run right now.  Let me give you a few tips on surviving these hot summer days AND managing to get some good running in.

1. Split your runs  Your chances of surviving a 10 mile run in conditions like this are slim.  So, what do you need to do?  Break them up into manageable chunks, which leads me to point #2

2. Run Early  I know you are teenagers.  I know you like to sleep in.  However, it was 91 degrees by 10 AM today.  When I say run early, I mean before the sun comes up.  AKA. 5:00 AM.  You can always get a nap during the middle of the day.

3. Run Late As in, after the sun goes down.  Running late clearly not as good as running early here because: 1) it's hotter, 2) Ozone levels are higher, which will hurt those of you with asthma, and 3) There are more likely to be drunk drivers zooming around if you are running at 10 PM.  You will want your late run to be shorter and right around sunset

If you want to get in those 10 miles, I would make the day look like this.

5:00 AM Wake Up
5:30 AM Run 7 miles
6:15 AM Core
6:30 AM Breakfast
7:00 AM Shower

Then, go about your day. Throwing in a nap after lunch (I could go into the physiological benefits of napping, but you'll just have to trust me here that naps are good.  Almost all professional runners take a mid day nap).

For your evening run, it should look something like this
7:00 PM Run 4-5 miles
7:30 PM run the hose over your head
8:00 PM dinner
8:30 PM cool shower

You'll notice that 7 miles + 5 miles > 10 miles.  This is an added benefit of is much easier to put in solid miles if you run twice.

4. Drink Water You won't get cramps, don't worry.  Drink at least one pint of water prior to your early, cool temp run.  Drink at least a quart of water prior to your evening run.  Drink lots of fluids throughout the day.  You will need them.

5. Watch This Video when you begin to wonder why you are spending your summer waking up early and worrying about fluid consumption when the rest of your friends are partying.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Atwater Run for Independence is in one week!

Click here to open info about the race

This 4th of July race has become somewhat of a tradition for our team.  Once I know how many of you are planning to go, I will arrange for transportation to the race.  One of our other developing traditions is to stop for breakfast at Brooks Ranch Restaurant after the race.

I hope you all plan on testing your fitness on the 4th.

Keep working hard and good things can happen

I came across this great article and video of a 27 year old elementary school teacher who finally broke through in the world of big time running, placing 4th at USATF 1500m finals and becoming our alternate for the world championship team later this summer.

Here is the article in Runners World

Here is the video of the post race interview

Monday, June 17, 2013

Practices Start in One Week!!!

Today is Monday the 17th. We will have our first summer practice on Monday the 24th at 8:00 AM. I hope you will all be ready.

Also, remember coming up that we will be going to the Atwater Run For Independence on July 4th. Anyone who is in town on that day is encouraged to come along and see how your fitness is progressing (or has regressed for some of you.)

Coach B has actually been getting some good running here in Iceland and you all may be treated to a rare sighting of Coach suiting up to race. I´m not promising anything other than the fact that I will be a drooling, slobbering mess by the end of the run.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Photos From Second Week in Iceland

These are selected photos from our second week in Iceland. For all of you Hughson CC kids....sorry to subject you to these photos that we are sharing with our friends.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Time to get Week 2 mileage to Coach K

OK, I know that everyone is running and getting ready for a great season. It´s one AM on sunday for you guys, but I'm getting into my second cup of morning coffee over here in Iceland. Run early, get done before the heat sets in. Remember, we are running a test race in 3 weeks. See you guys on June 24.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

CoachB and Family in Iceland

Yeah, they should maybe call it Rainland. It rained constantly for the first 6 days we were here.