Team's Weekly Activity

Monday, June 20, 2022


 Ladies and Gentlemen.  As promised, I've ordered special uniforms for runners not able to make OUR varsity team, but fast enough to make any other varsity squad in the TVL.  We'll have a lot of competition for our top 7 this year, let's see what kind of competition we can generate for our second seven!

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Summer Running Info, Part 2

 Now that we've gotten a little ways into our summer and started getting miles under our belts, it's time to start thinking about some faster paced training.  I'm attaching a spreadsheet that lays out what I consider to be a perfect progression for what we're trying to achieve this summer.  

Before you dive into the spreadsheet.  Let me lay out the rationale behind the numbers (This is for the experienced group)

  • Main effort of the week - Tempo Thursdays.  You can't reach your best in cross country unless you can do good tempo runs.  We're going to start with broken tempos (2 mile intervals, 5 minute intervals) and gradually progress to a 4-5 mile continuous tempo run.  You will notice that each time we do a tempo effort, there is less rest between reps.  By the end of the summer, it will be a continuous run.  
  • Secondary Efforts of the week- Monday CV or VO2 max days.  These days are slightly faster than thresheold.  We're going to start with a very small volume of these efforts and gradually add volume to them. 
  • Supporting Cast- Wednesday short sprint day, Saturday Long Run day, and LOTS of volume.  It is important, especially over the summer, that we prioritize MILEAGE.  This means that the supporting cast is REALLY the star of the show.  None of these runs should leave you wiped out.  Rather, they should build the foundation to keep you from being wiped out as our tempos, CV, and VO2 workouts start to get more difficult.  

For the Beginners
  1. Goal #1 - Build general fitness.  We'll continue to do this at practice through: Broken runs, Circuit Training, Drills, and Weights.
  2. Goal #2 - Start to learn to pace yourselves.  You'll notice that we are doing LOTS of days of 400 repeats and that as the summer goes along, each workout will have more 400s.  Most of you will race 2 miles this year, so it is my goal that by the end of the summer, you can do 2 miles worth of 400s at a respectable race pace.  As the season progresses, we'll concentrate on taking less and less recovery until you get to the point where you can do all 2 miles at your goal pace, without taking any rest. 
  3. Goal #3 - Build the endurance to run at least 50 minutes without stopping by the end of the summer.  Do this by gradually lengthening the time you run for on the days we don't practice.  For some of you, 50 minutes might only get you 4 miles.  For others, you may get 6-7 miles in 50 minutes.  These longer runs build the endurance for your bodies to handle the harder, faster workouts we'll be doing.  
  4. Goal #4 - Run as much total mileage this summer as possible without injuring yourselves and breaking down.  For some of you, this might only be 100 total miles.  For others it might be 300-350 total miles .  If you are currently struggling to run 1-2 miles without stopping, it is unlikely that you'll total more than 100 miles this summer.  That's OK, everybody has to start somewhere.  If you are already able to easily do a 3-4 mile run, then you may want to shoot for a 300 mile club shirt.  Never make any of your runs so long, or hard, that you are exhausted.  Run long enough to be pleasantly tired.  That's all.  
  • Experienced athletes are expected to double AT LEAST 3 times per week, on the days that we meet for practice.  None of our runs on those days will consist of that much volume, so those days are perfect to add a second run  in the afternoon that will help get you heat acclimated.
  • You will see a column on the spreadsheet that says "Doubles: Yes, No, Maybe"  Double for sure on the yes days and maybe double on the maybe days.
  • Beginners, you'll notice that there are a number of days with a Maybe.  If you want to do a second easy run of 1-3 miles in the afternoons on some days, that would be a great idea.  

Friday, June 10, 2022

Summer Running Template

 Hey Team!

I've had a few questions about what our summer training is going to look like.  Well, it'll look like this.

  1. Run as much mileage as you can do safely and comfortably.  Michael Morrett went from being a far below average guy to being one of the top runners in the TVL after he had an 800 mile summer.  
  2. Do some strength training and core.  If you're coming to practices, we'll take care of that then.  If you're traveling, try to do basic stuff like lunges, planks, push ups, crunches, etc.... If you can find a bar, do pull ups.  
  3. Our 2 week training rotation will focus largely on threshold work.  There will be a little top speed stuff and a little race pace stuff.  It will look something like this for our experienced athletes:
  • M: CV intervals + weights + Double as needed for mileage
  • T: Easy mileage
  • W: Top speed, short sprints + Weights + double as needed for mileage
  • Th: Threshold intervals + double as needed for mileage
  • F: Easy mileage
  • Sat: Long in one or two runs
  • Sun: Off, very easy, or cross train.
  • M: vVO2 max intervals + weights + Double as needed for mileage
  • T: Easy mileage
  • W: Top speed / speed endurance (aka fast 150s) + weights + double as needed for mileage
  • Th: Tempo run + double as needed for mileage
  • F: Easy mileage
  • Sat: Long in one or two runs
  • Sun: Off
Early on during the summer, the focus will be mostly on mileage.  The workouts listed will be very small in volume.  As we progress, we'll try to keep the mileage high and gradually bring the volume of tempo and threshold stuff up to match.  For instance, a 3 mile tempo in June should become a 5 mile tempo by September.  

For the Newbies
The focus for you guys will be just to establish some basic athleticism.  I know some of you are already quite advanced in other sports.  We first want to make sure that your legs, shins, and feet are strong enough to handle the pounding from this sport.  We'll focus on a lot of general fitness stuff and interrupted running.  As you get more fit, we'll add more continuous running to the mix.  

Sunday, June 5, 2022

Summer of 2022 off and Running!

 Hey Team! Time to start thinking about summer workouts.

I know a number of you have been putting up mileage already.....I've seen some pretty good numbers on Strava.  We'll meet as a team for the first time this summer on Wednesday, June 15th at 7:00 AM.  Keep on running OYO until then.  

I need a chaperone for camp

Camp will be from July 22nd to 27th this year.  I'll be getting more information on the camp page as we go along this summer. If one of your parents is interested in a week in the Sierras, have them contact me on the remind app.  

Beach Trip

I'm looking to do a beach trip in early July.  I'll need a parent drive for that.  We'll go run at the Forest of Nisene Marks State Park and then go have a BBQ at Seacliff Beach.  I'm looking at July 14th for the trip.  I will likely need at least one parent volunteer to drive (and maybe more) depending on how many team members want to go. 


We'll do a couple of fundraisers this year.  I fully expect that my varsity athletes will all participate in our summertime drive thru dinner ticket sales.  Proceeds from that fundraiser will go toward the cost of the Woodbridge trip in September