Team's Weekly Activity

Saturday, October 16, 2010

This ain't easy

So, we look at those who are great and we think, "man, if I had that kind of talent, I could be great to".  Well, let me tell you, talent is important but it is far from the most important. 

Do you want to be great.  It ain't easy.

You are watching an aspiring Kenyan sub-elite who is doing every thing he can to break through onto the world stage.  The video is a couple of years old.  I don't think this guy made least I've never heard of him breaking through in any big races.

The point is, he made a conscious choice to try and be great and he is far better than 99.99% of anybody who has ever raced competitively.  Did he reach the goal of a major marathon win, I don't think so.  The point is, he is out there on the lonely road, giving it his all.

If you want to be great, you to will have to do this because you will never reach anywhere near greatness by goofing off at practice, nearly missing races, and hanging your butt out of the bus window.