Team's Weekly Activity

Thursday, September 22, 2022

We're not sprinters, but........

 Hey guys, as we progress toward the middle and late season, we need to start changing our lifting schemes a little bit.  The first thing that we need to understand, is that we are lifting, not to become better runners, but to become better athletes overall!  So, our lifting program needs to reinforce positions and movements that are fundamental to sports performance

One of our movements, the dead lift is fundamental.  Not only does it train the low back, glutes, quads, and hamstrings, but it builds strength in a way that will allow us to coordinate those muscles to create a powerful jumping and accelerating motion.  Now it's time to move beyond the dead lift.  We will replace the dead lift in our lifting program with: Power Shrugs, High Pulls, and Power Cleans.  For the next week or two, we will learn the power shrug.  As we get better at that, we will transition to High Pulls and once we've mastered that lift, we will transition once again to Power Cleans.

Please view this video for instruction on how to perform the power shrug and high pull exercises.  As we progress from dead lift to power clean, remember this:  As the exercise becomes more complex, we need to lower the weight and perform the movement FASTER.  After all, we aren't training for a strongman competition....we're training to RACE

We will replace our split squat with a Bulgarian Split Squat.  Please watch this video on how to perform this exercise

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Iron Supplementation

 Hi Team.

In speaking with a number of college coaches and some of our own athletes, it has become apparent to me that the vast majority of us could benefit from some sort of iron supplementation.

As runners, we rely on our blood's ability to transport oxygen to our muscles.  In running, however, we are especially prone to losing iron.  Every time we take a running step, some of the red blood cells in the blood vessels of our feet are crushed.  As a result, many runners (especially females), struggle with iron deficiency anemia.

Just this season, Cailin was diagnosed with almost zero iron in her blood.  Coincidentally, her running was terrible and she was always tired.  Her doctor put her on an iron supplement and within 3 weeks she went from doing some of the worst running of her life, to becoming our top runner.  

I understand that most of you have blood iron levels within the normal range.  However, if you can boost your iron levels (and by extension your hemoglobin levels) by just one percent, you will see a dramatic improvement in your running.  After all, 1% faster in a race that takes 20 minutes is 12 seconds, 2 percent is 24 seconds and 3 percent is 36 seconds faster......I think that for most of us, it's worth a shot.

There are two options for iron supplementation:  Tablet form and Liquid Ferretin.  Ferretin is an iron bearing molecule found naturally in our blood and is one of the products that your body would make from any sort of iron you consume.  Many coaches recommend that their athletes take liquid ferritin.  While this is the case, iron can also be taken in a pill form.

Here is a link for Flora's product, which has been recommended to me.

Here is a link to a review of iron supplements.  

Remember, you are probably getting a fair amount of iron for your diets, so you don't need to take huge amounts.  As a matter of fact, iron supplementation can sometimes lead to upset stomach or constipation.  So your best bet would be to take a small dose.  

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Woodbridge Trip Itinerary

 Hi Team

Sorry it's taken so long to get this information out.  I've been busier than a 1 legged man in a butt kicking contest.

Trip Itinerary

I anticipate a great trip.  Your kids should bring money for food on the way down, breakfast on race morning, and a meal on the way back, plus we will have some sort of afternoon activity (mini golf, anyone?) during the day on Thursday and your kids may want to purchase some merch at the meet.   

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Homecoming Snack Bar Volunteers Needed

 Hey team!  

It's time for the first of two great fundraising opportunities for our team.  We are signed up to provide workers for the snack bar at the Homecoming Game against Livingston HS on September 23rd

While procedes from the snack bar go directly to the athletic boosters, we are also able to have athletes selling raffle tickets in the stands during the games that we provide workers in the snack bar.  Plus, the money that goes to boosters ends up coming back to our teams in the form of: uniforms, tournament entry fees, help with equipment purchases, etc....

If you are in town and able, I would really appreciate you taking time to volunteer for a shift (or two) in the snack bar at homecoming.  We need to provide 12 workers per shift, so if you're hoping that someone else might cover it before you have to sign up.....don't! :)  The link to the sign up genius is below.