Itinerary Thursday - 7/14
- 7:00 AM - Meet at back parking lot
- 7:10 AM - Depart
- 9:50 AM - Arrive at Nisene Marks State Park
- 10:00 AM - Run for up to 90 minutes
- 12:00 - Go to beach, picnic, BBQ, etc....
- 2:30 - Load vans to return home
- 5:30 - Arrive HHS back parking lot.
You don't need to worry about bringing food. We will provide a picnic lunch at the beach. You may want to bring some extra snack and you may want to bring some additional money for when we stop along the way (we will make a 1/2 way bathroom stop at CASA DE FRUTA)
Head Count
I need to know how many of you want to go by tomorrow afternoon so that I can plan for food.