Team's Weekly Activity

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Supercross Sign Ups

It's that time of year again!

Our 18th Annual Hughson supercross is just over 2 weeks away.  Once again, the meet should be large, loud and fun.  We currently have 44 high schools, 4 middle schools, and 3 clubs signed up.  Putting on an event of this size takes a lot of help.

This is where I reach out to you one more time this year. 😇

I'm including a link to SIGN UP GENIUS  that I created for the meet.  If you have questions about what the different jobs entail, please reach out via the remind or email me at

To get you psyched, here's a video I had made a few years ago. 

Sunday, September 29, 2024

It's The Little Things

When all of your competitors are training hard already and everyone is already eating the right food, what can you do to set yourself apart and gain an advantage?

Last week, on our trip to Woodbridge, our kids got a very good idea of what elite teams look like.  On the way home, the boys van had a discussion about what easy changes they can make in their daily lives in order to have the best chance of reaching their full potential this season.  I encouraged them to agree on 3 changes they could make that were: 1. pain free and 2. effective.  Here's what the boys came up with.

  1. Get a minimum of 8-9 hours of sleep per night. Surprisingly, of all the ideas we talked about in the van, this is the one that got the most resistence, however, of all the ideas we talked about, this is the one that is most likely to allow us to jump to the next level.  Your body recovers and gets stronger when you're sleeping.  If you don't sleep enough, you don't recover enough.  If you don't recover enough, you can't train hard enough to actually be the best you can be.  Students think it's tough to sleep that much, but they don't realize how much time they waste, especially on games and social media.  My son was top 10 in a graduating class of over 500 students, he was the captain of the water polo team, he was the leading scorer in the CCAL his senior year, and he won multiple CCAL swim titles.  He had a girlfriend and a rich social life and he slept at least 9 hours a night.  If Sean could time manage well enough to do that, so can our kids.
  2. Take a multivitamin every morning with breakfast.  Many of our kids already eat well, but not everyone does.  Nor does every kid have control over what foods get served at home.  Our athletes felt like it was a good idea to make sure that they were going to get enough vitamins and minerals, and taking a vitamin is a pretty easy way to do it.  It is important that these multi vitamins contain iron.  One nasty little fact about our sport is that runners tend to get iron deficient more than other athletes.  Our red blood cells tend to get crushed as they pass through the blood vessels of our feet as we pound out all of the miles we do.  Making sure we have enough iron to keep our Red Blood Cell level up is very important.....and easy to do. 
  3. Rope Stretch and Foam Roll after every run.  This easy step will allow our kids to begin their recovery sooner and recover better.  

There's one last thing!

This week is going to be very hot.  It's disappointing!  I'm ready for our kids to have a break and be able to increase their training.  The heat this week is going to prevent that, to some extent.  So, For groups 1, 2, and 3, I'm suggesting short morning workouts on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.  We'll talk more about this at practice, but in short, due to the heat, I'm keeping our afternoon workouts pretty limited this week.  The kids that need more mileage will need to get it in the mornings.  

Monday, September 16, 2024

Woodbridge - Depart Thursday

 Hey Team.  Quick Update and Ideas to Pack

We're going to run from school before loading the vans on Thursday.  I'll have breakfast type foods for you guys to eat before we get in the van.  If you need to shower, I can make the locker rooms available.  We'll meet at 7:00 AM, run, eat, pack, and GO.  You'll want some sort of healthy snack to eat on the way down.  

2018 Team on the way to Woodbridge

We WON'T be stopping for lunch at a restaurant on the way down.  We've got a ton of bread and sandwich meat left over from Friday in my freezer at home.  We'll pull off at a rest stop and make our own lunch and save some cash.  

Items that you should bring.
  • Racing uniform - Duh
  • Running shoes, racing shoes, socks.
  • Hughson gear - t shirts and what not.  Gotta show off who we are, ya know.  
  • A couple pairs of running shorts and shirts.  We'll be doing a couple of training runs while we're down there. 
  • Cash for a big breakfast on race morning and for a meal stop on the way home (we'll feed you the rest of the time.
  • Toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, etc....
  • Bring a towel to be safe.  There might not be enough at the houses.  
The houses I rented have almost enough beds for everyone.  One or two of you may need to bring a sleeping bag (Freshmen and sophomores)

If you have any other questions, double check the inventory I sent out to your school emails last week.  

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Homecoming Parade and Game

 Hey Team.  We need to be on Whitmore at 2:00 for the Homecoming Parade.  I will have bags of candy for us to hand out to the kids along the route.  

If you are working the snack bar or selling raffle tickets, I will leave your names at the gate so that you can get in.  Here's who I have so far.  

Snack Bar, Early Shift - 4:30 to 7:00

Pat Kennedy
Lupe Prez
Linda Benham
Jeff Benham
Brad Bilson
Andrea Bilson
Paul Stites
Alice Conners
Brooke Wetenkamp
Jared Wetenkamp

Snack Bar, Late Shift - 7:00 to 9:30

Lilia Franco
Lupe Prez
Jenny Olsen
Kristen Combs
Lori Crim
Paul Stites
Jungmee Kim
Tony Aguiar
Paula Aguiar

Raffle Ticket Sales - Early 5:00 - 7:00


Raffle Ticket Sales - Late 7:00 - Halftime of varsity game


TVL Opener - 9/4/2024

 What a Great Meet!

The Huskies went into the two varsity races at the TVL opener knowing that it was going to be a tough test of our fitness.  On the girls side, we knew we'd be pushed by Hilmar and on the boys side we knew Ripon was going to be very good.  When all was said and done, we'd come out with two hard earned victories.

On the varsity girls side, Sophie Benham ran only her 3rd cross country race in the last 2 years and won over a very tough Sidney Logsdon of Hilmar, leading the all of the Lady Husky runners to finish in the top 50% of the field.  After one meet, the TVL standings for Varsity girls are as follows.

1st place - Hughson
2nd place - Hilmar
3rd place - Ripon
4th place - Ripon Christian
5th place - Escalon
6th place - Sonora
7th place - Orestimba
Benham and Logsdon battle on a 105 degree day

On the varsity boys side, senior Bobby Nieto led a fast improving pack of underclassmen to outdistance Ripon by a score of 51-60.  As the season progresses and our young team gains experience we expect to only get better.  For the boys team, bringing our 5th scorer closer to our top runner will be of paramount importance.  We had a gap of 1:28 yesterday from our first to our 5th, but for teams like ours, a gap of under 60 seconds will probably be required by the end of the season.  #teamgoals

After the first meet, the TVL standings for varsity boys are as follows.

1st Place - Hughson
2nd Place - Ripon
3rd Place - Sonora
4th Place - Ripon Christian
5th Place - Orestimba
6th Place - Hilmar
7th Place - Escalon
Bobby moves up through the pack after falling early

Both JV teams placed 2nd on the day.  The girls were led by Allison Landeverde.  Allison, running in her first ever cross country race, placed 3rd out of 39 runners.  The boys were led by sophomore, Ty Swain, who also placed 3rd overall in his race

Allison running strong
After one meet, the TVL JV Girls Standings are as follow

1st place - Ripon
2nd place - Hughson
3rd place - Hilmar
4th place - Escalon
5th place - Orestimba
6th place - Ripon Christian
7th place - Sonora

Ty leads the JV race early on

After one meet, the TVL JV Boys standings are as follow
1st place - Ripon
2nd place - Hughson
3rd place - Escalon
4th place - Ripon Christian
5th place - Orestimba
6th place - Sonora
7th place - Hilmar

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Week 15 Workouts

 Cut Back Week!

The first 4 days of the week will be pretty low volume.  Once we get to our day off from school on Friday, we start our building cycle for the next few races.  


  • Monday, if you can't make practice, do a short to medium distance progression run.  Finish pretty fast, but still comfortable on the last mile.  Otherwise come to practice at 8:00 AM
  • Tue: Super short plus weights (can't neglect these bad boys)
  • Wed: Meet
  • Thu: No run (or morning shake out) PM, weights. 
  • Fri: No school, medium long run
  • Sat: Long run with tempo in second half.  Go hard, but don't over cook it.  
  • Sun: off or very easy. 

Monday, August 26, 2024

Homecoming Snack Bar and Dinner Service Sign Ups

 OK, Team - We did great on the ticket sales.

Drive Through Servers (Athletes)

Now we need athletes to sign up to work the dinner.  You will be responsible for collecting tickets and handing out meals.  Please click on this link to sign up to serve meals.

We've also got the snack bar at homecoming (Parents)

Hi parents!  Homecoming is early this year.  It will be on Friday, September 6th.  We are in charge of the snack bar.  100% of money raised by the boosters club in the snack bar comes back to the athletic teams.  Please use this link to sign up to help.  Boosters is looking for 10-12 parents per shift and they ALWAYS allow us to take homecoming because we do such a good job of getting people to help.  

We also also get to sell raffle tickets at the homecoming game (Athletes)

Athetes.  If you went to camp, this is your chance to pay the team back for a little bit of the money it spent on you (Camp cost us over $3400 this year).  Our team gets to keep every penny of that it makes in the raffle. So sign up here.....and go ham selling tickets at the game.